Vehicle insurance telematics a way to get hold of low auto insurance annual premiums. With ever-increasing inflation and fuel price hike, vehicle insurance telematics appear to be band-aid to get hold of low annual premiums of auto insurance. Besides low premiums,...
Why do banks need an effective ATM Tracking and Monitoring Solution? Automated Teller Machines widely known as ATMs had become an integral part of Montreal transactions. Despite the global shift to mobile and internet banking and forecasts of a cashless society, ATMs...
Expense Management: Cornerstone to Optimize your Fleet Operations Expense Management is the cornerstone of a successful fleet management plan, which requires insight of statistics in black and white to optimize your operations, stick to budgets and save money, and to...
Why car rental firms need telematics to upstream their revenue? In today’s world of connected vehicles, rent-a-car companies are no longer renting cars but providing a mobility solution. We can see a drastic shift when the millenniums embraced the idea that instead of...
How fleet owners can make their fleet safe? The majority of traffic accidents are caused by unsafe driving, which are not only expensive in terms of repairing cars and other equipment, paying insurance premiums, receiving penalties, causing property damage, but most...