The Urgent Need for Effective Hospital Asset Management

Never before has the global healthcare system has been put under such huge strain as during a pandemic. With the quick dwindling of resources, hospitals were fighting for critical medical supplies. In the healthcare industry, stakes are always higher and the ripple effect directly impacts patientscare, clinicians, and their procedures. But, can we overcome these unprecedented crises in the healthcare industry with effective asset management and resource utilization? The answer is YES! To improve the quality, safety and efficiency of healthcare sector, Eagle-IoT has introduced IoT based hospital asset management solution pivoted on Real-Time Location System (RTLS).  

What is Hospital Asset Management?

Hospital asset management consists of four pillars: optimal asset traceability, reliability, availability and performance. It revolves around managing and maintaining a hospital’s machinery, equipment, and physical assets in the most cost-effective and efficient approach. Eagle-IoT Hospital Asset Management system offers end to end visibility to the healthcare-specific equipment (such as anaesthesia machine, EKG Machines, hoists, syringe drivers, beds, wheelchairs), physical infrastructures (such as heating, air conditioning, refrigeration, condensers, generators, compressors, and other systems within a building), linens and uniforms. 

Data-Driven Insights
Data-Driven Insights

The Power of Data-Driven Insights:  

With hospital asset management, assets can be classified, maintenance schedules can be developed, and performance of the assets can be tracked. Inventory tracking systems automate supply chain processes while temperature and humidity monitoring ensure the right storage condition of pharmaceutical products and equipment. Implementing and managing an efficient Periodic Asset Replenishment (PAR) level system can be immensely difficult for a hospital.  

The PAR level management can be initiated by monitoring the current flow of equipment. The best approach to accomplish this is to place RTLS exciters in specific zones. RTLS exciters provide room-specificity in which the RTLS platform can accurately track how many tagged assets are accessible per floor and if assets are ready to be cleaned. Employes can later change the PAR level information in the system as needed. 

Eagle-IoT: Your Comprehensive Hospital Asset Management Solution

Eagle-IoT provides the graphical location data of medical instrument at the disposal which allows healthcare staff to promptly move tools and equipment as and when needed. Meanwhile, the utilization forecasting, identifies the assets which are under-utilized/dormant for a long-time empowers hospital administrators to make smart purchasing decisions to reduce redundant orders and allowing financial resources to be allocated to high-demand critical equipment. 

Hospital Asset Management
Eagle-IoT hospital asset management provides a summary as well as text searches and filtering depending on multiple parameters such as IDs, classification, make/model, owning facility, stay duration, acquisition method, owning department, and Service Request data. It is easier to design procedures, keep track of inventory, shorten search times, prevent bottlenecks, and improve workflows when you have complete insights about where assets have been in the past and how they moved across the facility. 


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