Fleet management revolves around maximizing operational efficiency, minimizing costs, and ensuring the longevity of assets. However, amidst the glaring challenge of downtime, there lies a more insidious and often overlooked adversary: underperformance. This silent...
In today’s dynamic transportation landscape, where safety and efficiency are paramount, dash cams have emerged as indispensable tools for fleet managers. Beyond mere recording devices, modern dash cams, equipped with advanced features such as high-definition...
The recent domestic diesel price increase in Saudi Arabia, reaching SAR 1.66 per liter ($0.44/l) as of January 1st, represents a 44% hike. This significant price adjustment has had a considerable impact on the transportation and logistics sector, presenting a...
As businesses embrace sustainability initiatives, reducing vehicle emissions has become a paramount objective. While company-owned vehicles are often subject to stringent environmental controls, gray fleet vehicles, comprising employee-owned vehicles used for work...
Winter presents unique challenges for fleet operators, particularly concerning the performance of diesel fuel in frigid temperatures. Paraffin wax in diesel can crystallize, leading to fuel gelling, while water contamination can freeze, obstructing fuel lines and...